Am Freitag, den 19. Juni, war das Flying Fish Theatre zu Gast am Unterrieden. Alle Schülerinnen und Schüler unserer 6. Klassen kamen in diesem Schuljahr in den Genuss, sich das Theaterstück „Treasure Hunt“ anzuschauen. Es handelte von einem Ausflug einer Londoner Schulklasse ins schöne Lake District, wo die Kinder viel erlebten. Das Schauspielerteam begeisterte unser junges Publikum und die Fremdsprache Englisch wurde zur normalsten Sache der Welt!
Auf der Bühne war viel los.
Auch das Publikum nahm an der Klassenreise teil.
Im anschließenden Englischunterricht äußerten sich die Schülerinnen und Schüler spontan zum Stück. Die Begeisterung war überall zu spüren. Hier einige Eindrücke der Klasse 6a:
“Joe was really funny because he played a lot of tricks on Miss Smith. He didn’t like the nature park.” (Max)
“I liked the music and I liked Joe and Becky’s story.” (Tobias B.)
“I liked it when Becky and Joe were singing. Becky had a beautiful voice. The play was so nice that I would like to see it again!” (Nico)
“It was very funny that they made fun with the audience. The play was great! Thank you! (Merve & Sinikka)
“It was fantastic! There were so many funny scenes. I liked the “mushroom scene” best.” (Caroline)
“The best part was when Joe started to sing Blame it on me./Don’t blame it on me.; and all the other songs were good because they changed the lyrics. I liked it when Joe packed all his things and Miss Smith had to carry them. I thought it was sweet when they kissed at the end. It was such a good play!” (Christine)
“It was great! It was like a musical because they were singing a few songs. I went on stage with the actors and together we were doing some exercises: we were running and jumping over small lakes. We were also doing some jumping jacks.” (Stefanie)
“I liked the treasure hunt. Joe was very funny when he found the mosquitos, the frog and the mushroom!” (Timur)
“Becky and Joe’s love story was soooo sweet! I also liked the part when Steffi was on stage.” (Lilly)
“The best thing was when the man came to me and shook me. I was laughing a lot because it was great!” (Alper)
Ein herzliches Dankeschön an Frau Richter, die den diesjährigen Besuch des Flying Fish Theatre an unserer Schule organisierte!