Endeavour fliegt Richtung Weltrekord

Heute (Donnerstag, 13. Oktober) fliegt unser Formel 1 WM-Team nach Austin/Texas zur Weltmeisterschaft 2016. Das Portfolio ist bereits abgegeben, der Boxenstand ist schon längere Zeit in Texas, das Auto bekam vorgestern seine letzte Lackierung. Wer die Aktivitäten unseres Teams verfolgen möchte, kann dies unter folgenden Links tun: https://www.facebook.com/endeavourhd/ und http://endeavour-hd.com/.

Mit den Live Webcast Links zur WM 2016 in Austin kann man sogar die Rennen verfolgen:

1.) Rennen von Endeavour am Sonntag 17:30 Uhr - T09 - Endeavour, Germany vs T13 - Supermac's Racing, Ireland (0:30 Uhr deutscher Zeit) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIRMNLSHidU

2.) Rennen von Endeavour am Montag 14:40 Uhr - T01 - Elixir Racing, Malaysia vs T09 – Endeavour, Germany (21:40 Uhr deutscher Zeit) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_O5Y4EoyCD8

3.) Rennen von Endeavour am Dienstag ab 21 Uhr: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3grPxi3hmKk
Übrigens: Kurz vor Abflug betrug die Zeit eines letzten Proberennens 0,987 Sekunden. Der Weltrekord liegt derzeit bei ...

... 0,979 Sekunden!


Auf der Homepage von formula1@schools ist zu lesen:

New countries, new World Finals award, new competition regulations

F1 in Schools is approaching its 12th World Finals event with the F1 in Schools World Finals 2016 taking place in Austin, Texas in October this year, alongside the 2016 FORMULA 1 UNITED STATES GRAND PRIX. Two new countries will participate at the World Finals, with South American country, Peru, and Eastern European nation, Romania, competing against 37 other teams vying for the F1 in Schools 2016 World Champions crown.

Over 40 countries now participate in this global educational challenge, the largest international STEM initiative and one that is universally recognised as a stepping stone to a career in motorsport, automotive and wider engineering industries.

The F1 in Schools World Finals this year features a new award, with the Scrutineering Award joining the roster of 19 accolades rewarding excellence at this fiercely contested annual F1 in Schools finale. The scrutineering award has been introduced to honour the team with the highest score achieved for meeting the tough dimensional, weight and technical regulations of the competition.

Gary Anderson, Head of Judges for the F1 in Schools World Finals explains, “One of the most important factors in producing a winning race car, both in the world of Formula 1 and in F1 in Schools, is to make sure that the car complies with all the technical regulations. It’s a 28 page document in F1 in Schools and every one of the directives counts towards this Award. We’ve seen teams in Formula 1 penalised for technical irregularities and the judging panel in F1 in Schools operate in a similar way, checking all the car designs against the regulations and teams incurring penalty points for any errors. I think it’s great that we’ve introduced this new Award as it’s such an important part of the competition.”

In addition to the new Award, a number of competition and technical regulations have been amended. The biggest change for teams will be the requirement to use two race cars throughout the event and this is expected to produce even closer, exciting racing. Gary says of the change, “This new rule draws the competition closer to Formula 1 with the teams having to compete two cars. For our F1 in Schools teams this adds to the challenge, with the teams needing to manufacture two identical ones, just as we see in the sport itself. “

Andrew Denford, F1 in Schools Founder and Chairman says of the F1 in Schools World Finals moving up a gear, “We’re always looking at ways to improve the competition, keeping it fresh, engaging and, just as importantly, to reflect the way that the Formula 1 sport evolves. The changes we’ve put in place and our new award are important developments and I look forward to Austin to see it all in action. We will also welcome teams from two new countries, expanding our reach across the globe.”


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